Green Thumbs Or Not-Carol aka Catfish Page 2

Green Thumbs and More or Not Carol aka Catfish Page 4
Green Thumbs and More or Not Carol aka Catfish Page 4


Late Bloomers

Late bloomers (It's almost St Patrick's Day, not Christmas)
These Christmas Cactus were purchased four years ago and only now in their 2nd bloom. Go figure. (Used a little Epsom Salt on the roots in October hoping for a Christmas bloom  (advise from a gardening magazine), but will need to figure on blooms about 5 months later if I try it again.)


Double bloomers. These fiver year old Christmas Cactus bloomed for the second time last year, then again this year in Jan and again March this year! That Epsom Salt trick works! Just can't figure out the timing!
Of course they're a bit confused as the family room's Christmas Tree is still up.


Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Of course, these pot bound Shamrocks are almost in continual bloom. Must be the location. And the fact that the rizomes were cultivated.
Very little care needed, Just sunshine, watering, and grooming to pull all the spent flowers off.



Trailing African Violets that I'd started from little 1 inchers a few years ago-see previous pages,
Lost some, as their trailers became too heavy and broke off, Oh well. Still makes a nice display in their strawberry pot though.
