Harriman Nelson's Journal

Reflections-the 'In Between Years'
The Creamsickle
The Invitation
Bike Week
The Java Connection
Lee's Tattoo
My Friend Lee-page 33
My Friend Lee-page 34
My Friend Lee-page 35
My Friend Lee-Page 36
My Friend Lee-page 37
My Friend Lee-page 38
My Friend Lee-page 39
My Friend Lee-page 40
My Friend Lee-page 41
My Friend Lee page 42
My Friend Lee-page 43
My Friend Lee -page 44
My Friend Lee-page 25
My Friend Lee-Page 26
My Friend Lee-Page 27
My Friend Lee-Page 28
My Friend Lee -page 29
My Friend Lee -page 30
My Friend Lee-page 31
My Friend Lee-page 32
My Friend Lee-page 24
My Friend Lee-page 23
My Friend Lee- page22
My Friend Lee-page 21
My Friend Lee-page 20
My Friend Lee- Page 19
My Friend Lee-page 18
My Friend Lee page 17
My Friend Lee-page 16
A Short Story
A 'Harry Halloween'
My Friend Lee-page 15
My Friend Lee-page 14
My Friend Lee-page 13
My Friend Lee-page 12
My Friend Lee-page 11
My Friend Lee-page 10
My Friend Lee-page 9
My Friend Lee-Page 8
My Friend Lee-page 7
My Friend Lee-page 6
My Friend Lee-Page 5
Life With Lee-page 4
Life with Lee- page 2
Life with Lee-page 3
Reflections-the 'In Between Years'
My photo-scrapbook album
About Me

As I look through my scrapbook of memories I’m sorry to say that I don’t have many tangible items of John Phillips. We served on two subs together, and when I retired, he wasn’t all that far behind being put out to pasture as well. Forced out, he wrote me later, being passed over for promotion to Captain, not once, but twice which meant he was out of the Navy.

 He was a good man and already had three commands under his belt, but   the Navy just  didn’t see him as a full bird. It was unofficially offiical that he seek employment elsewhere.

My plans for Seaview hadn't come to fruition yet, but I promised him that should she be born, he’d have first choice as her master.

A few years later she was and I was pleased her maiden voyage was under his command. Little did we know that he had less than two years before he was so tragically taken from us.

In retrospect I can see  that compared to Lee, he didn’t have the same kind of brilliant intuition and initiative; but still he was a good Captain and and more than that, he was a good friend, and always enthusiastic about my dreams. I miss him still.  I think he'd be proud of Lee too.


Cmdr. John Phillips, USN