Harriman Nelson's Journal

My Friend Lee-page 9
The Creamsickle
The Invitation
Bike Week
The Java Connection
Lee's Tattoo
My Friend Lee-page 33
My Friend Lee-page 34
My Friend Lee-page 35
My Friend Lee-Page 36
My Friend Lee-page 37
My Friend Lee-page 38
My Friend Lee-page 39
My Friend Lee-page 40
My Friend Lee-page 41
My Friend Lee page 42
My Friend Lee-page 43
My Friend Lee -page 44
My Friend Lee-page 25
My Friend Lee-Page 26
My Friend Lee-Page 27
My Friend Lee-Page 28
My Friend Lee -page 29
My Friend Lee -page 30
My Friend Lee-page 31
My Friend Lee-page 32
My Friend Lee-page 24
My Friend Lee-page 23
My Friend Lee- page22
My Friend Lee-page 21
My Friend Lee-page 20
My Friend Lee- Page 19
My Friend Lee-page 18
My Friend Lee page 17
My Friend Lee-page 16
A Short Story
A 'Harry Halloween'
My Friend Lee-page 15
My Friend Lee-page 14
My Friend Lee-page 13
My Friend Lee-page 12
My Friend Lee-page 11
My Friend Lee-page 10
My Friend Lee-page 9
My Friend Lee-Page 8
My Friend Lee-page 7
My Friend Lee-page 6
My Friend Lee-Page 5
Life With Lee-page 4
Life with Lee- page 2
Life with Lee-page 3
Reflections-the 'In Between Years'
My photo-scrapbook album
About Me

Lee’s upset. Prowling the boat like a caged panther that I suppose he is in a way. And it’s not anything do with the crew, or our present mission. It’s just that he’s still got a bee in his bonnet about the lack of any official ‘well done’ for me or ‘at least a Presidential Citation!’ he ranted, when we, well, actually I, defused that sabotaged satellite from going boom and destroying the San Francisco Bay Area.

What brought on his present mood and that remembrance I can only guess. His friend and fellow spook Lt. Cmdr. Joe Jackson had more than a few beers while we parked Seaview at Pearl Harbor and I suppose they got to chatting. No worries there, the man has security clearance for most of our missions, and this one had been declassified after the fact.


And it seems the new President is issuing Presidential Citations left and right for rather more mundane military assignments, and not as Lee puts it, the stuff heroes are made of. I tried to soothe his ruffled feathers (he’s a Crane, after all), and told him ‘there is no ‘I’ in teamwork.’ But to no avail. He’s broody, moody, and Heaven help the man who tries to cheer him up.


Not usually on the end of his well known ‘Skipper’s Scowl’, I have a plan. I’m not sure it will work, but I’ve asked Cookie to make brownies. And home made Ice Cream to go with them. Now that will tame the savage beast or I’m not Harriman Nelson!

Urgent Message

Nose Cam picture, when I'd just received word that a sattelite launched from Russia was sabotaged and we have to get to the splashdown point with 2 of their  'specialists' to disarm it. Little did we know one of them was ordered to let it go boom.

Under stress

Sweating it out

Seems I wasn't the only one under a lot of stress.