Harriman Nelson's Journal

My Friend Lee-page 7
The Creamsickle
The Invitation
Bike Week
The Java Connection
Lee's Tattoo
My Friend Lee-page 33
My Friend Lee-page 34
My Friend Lee-page 35
My Friend Lee-Page 36
My Friend Lee-page 37
My Friend Lee-page 38
My Friend Lee-page 39
My Friend Lee-page 40
My Friend Lee-page 41
My Friend Lee page 42
My Friend Lee-page 43
My Friend Lee -page 44
My Friend Lee-page 25
My Friend Lee-Page 26
My Friend Lee-Page 27
My Friend Lee-Page 28
My Friend Lee -page 29
My Friend Lee -page 30
My Friend Lee-page 31
My Friend Lee-page 32
My Friend Lee-page 24
My Friend Lee-page 23
My Friend Lee- page22
My Friend Lee-page 21
My Friend Lee-page 20
My Friend Lee- Page 19
My Friend Lee-page 18
My Friend Lee page 17
My Friend Lee-page 16
A Short Story
A 'Harry Halloween'
My Friend Lee-page 15
My Friend Lee-page 14
My Friend Lee-page 13
My Friend Lee-page 12
My Friend Lee-page 11
My Friend Lee-page 10
My Friend Lee-page 9
My Friend Lee-Page 8
My Friend Lee-page 7
My Friend Lee-page 6
My Friend Lee-Page 5
Life With Lee-page 4
Life with Lee- page 2
Life with Lee-page 3
Reflections-the 'In Between Years'
My photo-scrapbook album
About Me

Lee has Arachnophobia. Oh, not your everyday, ordinary fear of spiders.  Just the soft, fuzzy greenish ones dangling over your head kind. Thanks to Chip’s practical joke, we’re all walking on eggshells just waiting for Lee to retaliate. Or perhaps he’ll just let Chip think he’ll retaliate making the fear of it coming all the  worse.

Lee had  told us about the huge arachnid from a few years prior, the one he’d shot down when we were exploring the Denning’s party undiscovered island thanks to Jason Kemp. Cannibals, dinosaurs which didn’t know they were supposed to be extinct, and a  native girl, well, need I say more except it was a mission fraught with danger.


Suffice it to say we managed to escape being eaten by man or beast, or boiled alive in the active volcano. (Except for Jason, who in a bid to distract a ‘giant lizard’ blocking our path, was eaten himself, poor fellow. )


The gigantic spider Lee had encountered had been the least of  our worries,  yet, ever since we returned to our normal mundane lives, (oh yes, with Dr. Denning, whom we’d rescued) and Lee got his girl back (Carol Denning-Jason had been her boyfriend before he went missing) Lee’s continued to have  a few nightmares about them, the spiders that is.  


So, naturally since Lee was bound to be bored, Chip, his ever dutiful and loyal XO, finally concocted a fuzzy green spider and dangled it over Lee as he slept, letting it (ever so gently) brush his nose, mouth, and of course, eyes. Needless to say, when one is awakened with a green fuzzy spider in one’s face, one is bound to jump up, scream, bang one’s head on the overhead, and er, well, need to change one’s pj’s.


I don’t know when or how Lee will retaliate. All I know is that Chip is deliriously happy he managed to pull a fast one, and scare Lee out of his wits for a change, and will accept come what may.


I don’t want to be around.